Sunday, 15 January 2017

Property Insurance

This is a thing that most of the people do not know, because they don't care about that, but those people who know that nowadays nothing is secure, then they will never leave it. There are several things that need to understand if you want to buy a policy for your property. That may be land, may be your house, your factory, your owned farm or farm house, everything that belongs to you can be insured. 

Property Insurance
property insurance
Why do we need property insurance? and what are the things or what are the compensations that they will give us upon buying insurance? The best and appropriate answer can be given by your nearest insurance agent, but I will try my best to tell you what are the things behind this. Insurance companies work on risk basis. If the property on high risk then the premium will also be high, and if the property is on low risk then it will be cheap premium policy. 

Let suppose you have a small factory of chemicals, that may flame upon exposure in air, or anything dangerous that may harm, then your insurance agent will suggest you higher premium policy because he knows that the risk is higher and may cause an accident anytime. But they take chance, it doesn't means that they do not see aspects and do not see safety precautions, they see safety and laws against all the work is being done by you or your company. They will not let you get the insured amount within two or three months after you buy policy. They are sharp enough and they have their own investigation team. 

We see in movies that people deliberately do an incidence and then claim insured money and they get their money from insurance company, but I will suggest you not to do that, these things seems good only in movies, but in reality it is different from imagination. Under estimating these investigating agencies may lead you to go behind the bars.

Why we need insurance

Why do we need insurance in our area? why do we want to secure ourselves? because we don't know what will happen next with us. May be I am driving a car and then suddenly another drunk driver hit my car, or if I am on the road and someone hit me not deliberately, but if it hits me then it will cause severe damages that will cause me bed rest, and during the time of bed rest who will bear my expenses? my utility bills and other expenses? its a big question, if you are an independent person or even if you are a family person and head of family then you will definitely think about it.

Insurance companies understand our worries about our future, that's why they offer their policies to make your future bright, but keep this thing in your mind that they do not deal in losses, they know that not all the people are in loss, or they have some kind of calculation regarding risk management. They know that if someone is paying his / her premium then he is paying right now, and the amount payable by him / her is valuable right now, just like a bank concept. 

Have you ever think about this situation? Bank give you monthly income upon your deposits. They have some restrictions just like insurance companies that you have some kind of time limit, that you shall not withdraw your policy or money from your account. This is because they play in market with our money, they have analysts, they know that how much market may collapse and how much rise. That's why they need liquidity and this is you who provide them that money at that time. If any person knows about financial market then he will understand this thing which I have mentioned here.

Insurance is a good thing, I am not telling that this is a bad thing, but I am shading some lights upon the ways that these companies use to make money with our money. 

Monday, 2 January 2017

Basics of insurance

What is insurance? the answer is, insurance is an amount of compensation that you get once you lose that property which you have been insured. The property can be your life, your wealth, health, house, car or any kind of property you own or your family own. 

What are the things that you will get and how to get an insurance policy? The answer is simple, you need to understand that your property that you think worth more and is in any kind of threat, just like natural disasters, earth quack, or any other human being nearby you or may be unknown. You can also get your business insured by companies, so that in case of fire in your godawn or 

What you need to do? you can buy an insurance premium, that is also called policy, you will buy a policy and then you will see that what is that policy coverage, remember, there are almost hundreds of insurance companies in every area of cities. But not all of them are giving full coverage of your insured property. So, need to read all the terms and conditions carefully before you sign a contract. 

There are several conditions to buy policy, in some companies, you pay on monthly basis and some companies get their premium on annually basis, some companies gives good return upon maturity of policy, but they have some restrictions that you can not withdraw your amount paid within some limited time. Just like child insurance policy, when your child grow up and enter in his/her 18, companies give full maturity of policy and you can give that amount for the education of child
or to buy home or whatever you want to do with that money or just handed over to the child to build his own career.

So, in that means, insurance policy is a good thing that you are giving in installment and getting in full when it matured. These are some highlights that I wanted to share with you, so that you would be able to understand what is insurance policy and how to get it with nearest insurance company to cover your need. 

Monday, 26 December 2016

Auto Insurance and its benefits

In this article, I would like to tell you about the auto insurance and its benefits, the coverage of the insurance may differ from others, because several companies have their own coverage, some companies give full coverage, some half and some give some percentage upon damages or accident. 

What are the things that are included in auto insurance. Let me tell you in simple words. In auto insurance, you get surety that if your car has an accident, then the company will pay some amount of damage of car, and if you damage other's car by driving, then how much amount will they pay in lieu of damages, that is also called third party insurance. If your car hit from other car or any vehicle, then the company will compensate you. 

Insurance is actually a name of compensation that company pay, if you have any kind of loss in that property which is insured. That can be your own property, your life, your wealth, your child, yourself, your home, your car or any vehicle. So, we are talking about car insurance, that is also popular as auto insurance. Whatever vehicle you have, you need to insured that vehicle, if you want to get compensate in some unwanted circumstances and I think that you will not bear the loss, if you do not have a handsome amount of salary. 

What insurance cover in your vehicle. If your car is stolen, then you can claim your insurance. If any person break the window of your car, break the side mirror, or even head light, then you can claim insurance upon that situation, If you have an accident, whether you are guilty or not, insurance company will pay, (Not all companies pay, because some conditions apply). The higher premium the higher coverage, if you are paying higher premium of your policy then you will get higher compensation, that can be 100% of your damage, some companies give 75% and some give 50% of your loss, depends upon the policy you buy.

I hope you will get some initial info from this article, and I will give you rest of information in other articles of this blog, till then please subscribe and follow this blog.  

Saturday, 17 December 2016

What is dental insurance and its coverage?

If you have good teeth then you are lucky, to become lucky in future, you need to buy a dental insurance, so that you would be able to care your teeth with the help of your insurance policy. But when you are buying the insurance policy you need to see the coverage of your dental policy, because there are some features include in dental insurance, that they will give you when you buy full coverage dental insurance policy. 

Some insurance companies give partial coverage and some gives good features. The term "Full Coverage" can be taken as different thing to different buyers. Some companies will cover basic services including routine dental checkup, cleaning of teeth, toothache remedy and x-rays. Some other aspects of full coverage plan may reduce the bills of your dental services that you may need while you are in an appointment with the dentist on the panel of insurance company.

You need to choose the right dental plan according to the condition of your teeth and health, so that you would be able to get the services with ease of mind. Because everything will be in your mind that what treatment you are going to get, is absolutely free or you may have to pay a little amount and rest will be paid by insurance company. 

What is insurance?

Most of the people do not know the importance of insurance, what insurance is? and what are benefits of insurance, if a person do. These are some things that a person need to understand, so that he would be able to understand this thing better and will try to get insurance policy as soon as possible. 

People can get insurance of their life, their body parts, their relatives, their properties, wealth, health, even their new cars, whatever thing that insurance companies consider to fall under insurance policy.
The insurance is a thing that ensure you that if you are in loss, then the percentage of amount will be paid by the insurance company to the person who lost his property or health, whatever insurance policy he bought.

The percentage of payment is also a thing that need to consider before a person buy his insurance, because there are several scams revealed by the both parties, insurance companies and the buyers both did misdeclaration and then they suffer loss. An insurance policy buyer shall see several things in his mind, specially he / she shall read the whole terms and conditions, especially the wordings in very little fonts in the bottom of policy, they do not show their hidden terms in clear and big words in the agreement and after that at the time of maturity / realization, they reveal their hidden charges or hidden terms. So need to read all the things and see all the aspects before buying any kind of policy.