In this article, I would like to tell you about the auto insurance and its benefits, the coverage of the insurance may differ from others, because several companies have their own coverage, some companies give full coverage, some half and some give some percentage upon damages or accident.
What are the things that are included in auto insurance. Let me tell you in simple words. In auto insurance, you get surety that if your car has an accident, then the company will pay some amount of damage of car, and if you damage other's car by driving, then how much amount will they pay in lieu of damages, that is also called third party insurance. If your car hit from other car or any vehicle, then the company will compensate you.
Insurance is actually a name of compensation that company pay, if you have any kind of loss in that property which is insured. That can be your own property, your life, your wealth, your child, yourself, your home, your car or any vehicle. So, we are talking about car insurance, that is also popular as auto insurance. Whatever vehicle you have, you need to insured that vehicle, if you want to get compensate in some unwanted circumstances and I think that you will not bear the loss, if you do not have a handsome amount of salary.
What insurance cover in your vehicle. If your car is stolen, then you can claim your insurance. If any person break the window of your car, break the side mirror, or even head light, then you can claim insurance upon that situation, If you have an accident, whether you are guilty or not, insurance company will pay, (Not all companies pay, because some conditions apply). The higher premium the higher coverage, if you are paying higher premium of your policy then you will get higher compensation, that can be 100% of your damage, some companies give 75% and some give 50% of your loss, depends upon the policy you buy.
I hope you will get some initial info from this article, and I will give you rest of information in other articles of this blog, till then please subscribe and follow this blog.
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